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YES or NO Tarot

The Ruler: NO

The card of the ruler says no, sorry! You alone are responsible for your life - nobody else. Make the most of it!

The Ruler: On the tarot card sits a crowned head, an older man with a long white beard sitting on a stone-gray throne. The landscape in the background is very rugged. Seriously and scrutinizingly, "The Ruler" looks at you.
This figure is, so to speak, the prototype, the archetype for the four kings in the color series of the Little Arcana. If you draw him as a day ticket or if he appears in the laying system while laying the cards, this can be a direct indication that the relationship with your father is playing a particularly important role at the moment - for better or for worse. More generally, all other authorities in life (such as the boss or any office) can now be a particularly important topic for you. As an opportunity as well as a challenge.

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